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Latest Fashions in Wearable Technology

Tilt Brush VR: A Magic in your Hand

Virtual Reality has given rise to many new aspects of 3D art and design which were previously not possible. 3D artists had to spend...

Is PC Backpack The Perfect Solution For VR Gaming?

VR is on the rise. There are more and more VR kits, a bunch of games and apps are in development but one problem...

Android Wear Is On The Way Of Becoming A Full Fledged...

Smartwatches are the newest direction where innovations are headed. Smartphones got to a phase where revolution isn’t quite possible (although this could be changed...

How to play Oculus Rift games on HTC Vive?

Oculus Rift has more available game titles than HTC Vive, which puts buyers of the later at the disadvantage of fewer Vive games in...

Headphones – What Types Exist and Which Ones You Should Buy

When it comes to headphones, almost every person has its own opinion on what type is the best and what kind of sound they...

Huawei Joins the Already Crowded Market of VR Kits

Huawei is a company that currently has the fastest growth rate in the smartphone market. After becoming third largest smartphone manufacturer they now want...

HTC Vive Review: An Immersive VR Experience

HTC Vive is the only VR gadget that is complete in its entirety, at the time its competition is still passing through its development...

The Avegant Glyph- Making Your Cinema Experience More Personal

The Avegant Glyph looks like just another VR kit trying to compete in the already slightly crowded market. But the story with this particular...

Virtual Reality: A Brief History

Virtual reality is on the rise again. Oculus is under Facebook now, they bought Oculus for whopping $2 billion, HTC Vive has exploded with...

Revols Custom-fit Wireless Bluetooth EarBuds

Doesn’t matter if you use headphones, earphones or earbuds; there is always a limit to the level of comfort we earcovers do not allow you roll sideways, earphones...