
The Technology Learning Center!

Use of Technology In Education

With technology, both teachers and students can easily access data. Unlike in the past, some educational material could only be accessed via physical libraries...

The Role of Technology in Decision Making

Decision making is one of the most significant and important activities in a business.  Decision making involves various processes which are influenced by technology. ...

Use of Information Technology in Competitive Advantage

A company gains competitive advantage by providing a product or service in a way that customers gain more value than with a competitor. However, it...

The Role of Information Technology In Today’s World

What is information technology? Information technology is the technology used to store, manipulate, distribute or create information.  All these can be summed up easily –...

The Use of Technology In A Bakery

In the bakery industry balancing quality requirements with production demands is challenging. But with the implementation of technology, production is faster and demand is...

The Impact of Technology On Our Lives Today

Technology has played a prominent role in the development of various industries; it has changed the banking sector, changed education, changed the agricultural industry,...

The Impact of Information Technology on Small Business

Either big or small business, they both need to use Information technology in a certain way to speed up production and save both time...

The Role of Technology in Banking Industry

The banking sector has embraced the use of technology to serve its client’s faster and also to do more with less. Emerging technologies have...

Pros and Cons of Using Technology

Arguments-The Importance of Technology On a daily basis, both businesses and individuals use technology. We cannot deny, technology has become part of our lives, at...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Information Technology

Information technology has helped in shaping both the business world and our society in general. Many fields have been impacted by information technology including...