If you have been thinking about starting a new blog then now is the best time to learn everything about blogging. One thing you should keep in mind is that blogging is a tough job and it requires lots of time, effort and dedication. So, it is better for you to consider the first steps on how to create a blog now to get the hang of things?

Reason for Creating A Blog

Everyone has their own reason to start their own blog. Some people do it just for fun, other because of their interest in a particular topic or some just have great writing skills. But if your focus is to blog professionally then you have to search out information about it from all angles. It is going to be a source of income and because of this, you should be aware of its pros and cons.

  • If your aim is to profit from blogging then this is your guiding factor when considering all aspects of your blog. This would impact how you present your information, the design, the intended audience or whether you want advertisements of not.
  • If your aim is not profit you may tend to be a bit carefree with how you utilize these aspects.

Hosting- Free or Self-Hosted

This is also an important decision when you decide to a create a new blog. You have to decide between self-hosted and free hosting services. First let’s know the meaning of both types of hosting.


This hosting is administrated mostly by you. However, you require the hardware, the actual server, services from an online or local vendor there are thousands to choose from. They administer your hardware needs and provide all you need to administer your websites, at a cost.  Given this is a paid self-hosted option, there must be a few benefits. 

  • Larger storage space from the hosting provider, most shared alteast.
  • The provision of technical services to resolve general hosting issues. 
  • Many providers offer additional benefits, e.g backup services, credit etc.
  • You have greater customizing options, all round.

Free blog hosting

If you are not interested in spending money on your blogging, you see it as non-profit or it is simply a hobby then features of a free host may appeal to you most. This type of hosting typically is managed by a type of CMS (content management system), this allows for easier management of your blog. CMS are normally very user friendly interfaces, they are also available for self-hosted environments too. 

Benefits of Free Hosting 

  • You get pre-developed templates in which no editing is required.
  • Well, it’s free
  • Limited technical requirements
  • General easy of use

Free hosting services are perfect for those who blog for fun, those not aiming to profit from blogging. So, now the decision is yours, consider the information as listed above and you just learned one of the first steps on how to create a new blog.

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