Evs Might be Cheaper than Gas-Powered Cars by 2030, Claim Experts

We’ve already advancing rapidly when it comes to producing clean energy all around the world. The problem now isn’t producing it, it’s keeping it since our batteries weren’t good enough to keep it properly. However, with more companies as well as countries actively increasing their efforts when it comes to producing and storing, experts say that we might double the battery production by 2021.

Not only that, it’s also expected that the prices will drop as the competition rises. Electric car makers, as well as energy companies, will be getting more and better deals for their users and consumers, and technology that’s being powered by clean energy will be much more economical than it once was.

For now, one of the biggest battery producers is Tesla’s Gigafactory one, located in Nevada. Daimler, which is a parent company to many others like Mercedes, Maybach, and Chrysler, is going to start buying batteries from the newest Accumotive’s plant that’s starting its work in Kamenz, Germany. Such large battery makers are also expected to be opened in Poland, Sweden, and Hungary.

It’s also expected that Asia will increase the battery making as well since companies like Panasonic, LG, Samsung, and BYD are all big names when it comes to battery producing on a global scale. Not only that, but nine of the battery factories are being constructed in China right now.

Electric cars are tech that’s being perfected more and more as the years go by, and their most expensive part are their batteries. They make 40% of its total cost, and that means by increasing the competition, the prices of the batteries will drop dramatically. In turn, the entire electric vehicle can only become cheaper. Also, according to recent reports, costs per kilowatt hour were reduced to $139 from $542 back in 2012. For now, this cost remains, but it’s expected that the cost will drop once more in the next couple of years.

The 2020s are believed to be the years during which the electric cars will rise, and eventually, it’s believed that they’ll completely overtake the roads. Cars powered by gasoline are becoming a thing of the past, and quickly. Both value and cost are slowly becoming an advantage for the electric vehicles, especially now when the price of the batteries is expected to drop, while their ability to hold energy rises. Experts even believe that by 2030, electric cars will be cheaper and better in every way than the gasoline powered ones.

Of course, that sounds great when it comes to protecting our environment, as well as saving our money. However, many questions are rising, like whether will these cars become too cheap for their creators to make a profit? Many believe that that’s not very likely to happen.

India and China are already working hard on replacing as many vehicles as they can with the electric ones. Tesla’s also working around the clock to produce as many of their Model 3s as possible so that the market could be broadened and still covered.

This progress can only benefit us since it can only enhance our struggle to get back things like better health, clean air, and a way to slow down the climate change. Basically, the more people get on board with the clean energy usage, the better for everyone and everything around us.

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