Cool T

Cool New Random Technology

Russia Trains Space-Bound Robots To Shoot Guns

Russia has decided to start the training of one of their space-bound humanoid robots called FEDOR, which is short for Final Experimental Demonstration Object...

China Uses Quantum Technology to Teleport Data

Two weeks ago, using the simple mechanics of quantum entanglement, China became the first country to teleport information from Earth to a satellite in...

Cubify Cube 3D Printer Review

The Cubify Cube 3D printer is safe, fast, convenient, and economical that can turn your imagination into reality within minutes. With so much of...

3 Cool Tech Products To Help You Sleep

Admit it, you love all sorts of cool gadgets and gizmos in your home, as they provide assistance to our lives and look awesome...

FitBit Charge Wristband is a Smart and Savvy Fitness Tracker

FitBit has rolled out a range of new health and fitness wearable including the latest FitBit Charge and FitBit Flex. Both devices aren’t really...

Researchers Develop a Smart Fabric Able to Store Data

Researchers from the University of Washington designed a smart fabric able to store data and function without the need of any electrical power source. Ties,...

The first All-In-One PC Running Remix OS Will Arrive Soon

Remix OS is an operating system based on Android SDK that is working like a normal desktop OS. The company responsible for the development...

Robots are Getting a Sense of Touch

We often take for granted the abilities that we have. Our hands can find and identify objects without us having to look at what...

Robot can Help Kids with Special Need Communicate

A new, special robot was introduced today, named Robota, and its purpose is to help with teaching children that are in special ed classes....

Amazon Now Features a Kickstarter Page

Crowdfunding projects are booming and their sale is more likely to grow in the future. Besides where else, you can get the craziest tech...