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All the Latest Technology Spanning Across All Areas That Interest Us Most!!

Google Plans to Bring Cars Powered by Android

Google has managed to surprise and catch off-guard everyone once again last year after their 'thesis' came in shape of a red Maserati Ghibli....

NASA Orion Parachute Test Successful

The Orion replica was raised to 35,000 ft before being dropped with one less working chute. NASA has been the benchmark in space travel for...

Nvidia Creates New VR Simulation System for Their Self-Driving Vehicles

The new program, the Drive Constellation, can use sensors and make it look like the information is real. The company aims to make autonomous...

Russia Deploy New Tank that is Tough Enough to Run on...

The new Armata T-14 has been described as the next generation in warfare technology. Russia recently revealed its latest Armata tank made by Russian manufacturer,...

GM Maven Unit Goes for Car Rental Airbnb

Sources say General Motors Co. will launch a program to allow car owners to rent their vehicles out when they are not using them....

Mercedes to Launch 8 A-Class Cars with More Powertrains

Dieter Zetsche, Mercedes’ CEO states that the 8 new planned cars will all be A-class. This means that not one of them will rival...

UK is ready for Google Home and Home Mini

The Google home smart speaker has arrived and wants to level up with Amazon by adding voice calls. It is available in the U.S....

General Motors Wants to Deploy Self-Driving Cars With no Steering Wheels...

General Motors has announced that its latest self-driving car, the Cruise AV, will not feature any sort of manual controls such as pedals or...

Uber Targeted and Tracked Lyft Drivers through Program Called “Hell”

Upon discovering the flaw in their rival company's system, Uber decided that they should use it to their advantage and make sure that Lyft...

IBM Reveals World’s Tiniest Computer at Its Annual Think Conference

The computer is believed to be smaller than a grain of salt. IBM, one of the leading innovators in the technology industry, recently announced the...