Mad Catz LYNX 9 is a popular gaming controller for android devices which has only evolved for comfort, speed, and immersive gameplay. Honestly, there are very few gaming controllers that come close to approximation when it comes to touchscreen devices like smartphones and tablets. LYNX 9 is one of them that supports a great many android games, so let’s check out the amazing features!
Design: No Review, Just one View
Because that’s all it takes for you to realize that LYNX 9 design is nothing but Optimus Prime transformed into this mini gadget. It looks super-awesome. I wish the Autobot leader could’ve been the namesake of Mad Catz’ new handheld product. It not only looks like Optimus Prime it also transforms like him too. You will love fall in love with the feel of its metallic body.
Controls and Buttons: Basic but to the Beat

The basic configuration is the same as a standard Xbox controller with two analogue joysticks, four buttons on the right and an arrow stick on the left. There are two shoulder buttons as well. Although the joysticks are extra smooth and push buttons work flawlessly, but it’s the mold that fits right into your hands. Your concern should be the grip and handling, which will leave a long lasting impression.
Easy Transformation: Tablet + Mobile 2-in-1 Controller
The premium controller by Mad Catz is assembled out of the various easy slide in and pop out components that Convert it from a smartphone controller to tab controller and trust me the screen size won’t matter because the middle jack-in panel is huge enough to fit standard tablet sizes. The transformation does expand it, which might feel a little awkward in the start, but within a few minutes, you won’t even feel the difference.
Precision Gameplay: Mechanical Support Matters
One of the earliest known issues with touchscreen gaming is that you can’t actually get a feedback. For example, if you are touching a button, the smartphones don’t really let you feel how hard you have pushed. The 3D touch technology of iPhone 6s allows a visual feedback, but it is neither accurate nor immersive compared to sliding knobs or moving a physical joystick with your thumb. LYNX 9 not only removes that issue but also gives you an amazing grip. Its analogue joysticks are soft-touch smooth and mechanically very flexible.
Android Console Compatible: Every Androider is Welcomed!
LYNX 9 pairs up well with Android micro-consoles. To talk about it much, there isn’t really anything because all the functions of the controller are essentially the same, so it is the bigger screen that you must appreciate. But it is worth noting that not all the smartphone controllers are both PC and Android console compatible, so thanks again Lynxy!
Internet and Twitch on HDTV: Big on Big Screens
You can easily shift your smartphone or tablet screen onto the big screen, the option is also available via Android consoles. You can establish the link through HDMI or PlayBig cables for a faster response. Another advantage of this display supersizing is that you can seamlessly surf the internet on a larger screen or watch Twitch gameplay streams.
Slide in Keyboard: Love Tappin’, Love Typin’

To fully enjoy the above feature you need a keyboard otherwise itinerating through alphabets & numbers one at a time via joystick is exasperating and too much Atari. The developers didn’t want you to get Mad at Mad Catz and break the controller, that’s why you get a smart jack-in keyboard for typing without getting your temperatures high. It is even a great accessory for texting your friends or handing other typing jobs in and outside the gaming apps.
Voice Navigation: Say it all with LYNX 9

The latest voice navigation-savvy controller can be used to scroll through web pages without having to touch the gaming gadget itself. This is useful for watching music videos and movies. A tiny microphone is located at the base of the controller to translate your voice commands into navigation inputs.
There might be a better gaming controller in the market. As long as the android market is concerned, Mad Catz’ LYNX 9 like selling like a pie and there are a bunch of reasons behind it that we just highlighted. If you own the smart Lynxy, do share your thoughts or just have your say about any gaming.