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Theronos Finally Shares its MiniLab Technology

After being a subject of constant controversies and allegations, Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes has finally decided to bring the technology to the world. The...

Nine Top Technology Websites Out There!

If you are a technology buff too, read on to know which tech websites are worth a visit. If you are interested in learning more about technology, want to keep yourself updated with the latest trends in techno world keep reading

How Morgan Loebel is Turning Smartphones into Monsters

Morgan Loebel has a predilection to see the funny side of things, and among all his artist work, nothing could be as much entertaining...

Bridge The Language Barrier With Language Translation Technology

The world is a community of different people from all corners and continents. There are an estimated 5000-7000 languages in the world, all of...

Two New Game Engines are on the Verge, Meet Lumberyard and...

Amazon’s Lumberyard Amazon has had its stakes in the game world for over seven years now and yet the tech giant is seeking its root...

Google DeepMind’s WaveNet Talks Like Real Human

Google DeepMind's artificial intelligence has learned to mimic human voice realistically. Unlike other automated voices that are created from words, recorded and repeated in...

Microsoft, Facebook to put 160TB Internet Cable “MAREA” across the Atlantic...

Microsoft and Facebook are planning to lay a 4100-mile internet cable across the Atlantic sea with a bandwidth capacity of 160TB. The giant undersea...

New iPhone Teardown Robot Deconstructs a Phone in 18 Seconds

Apple’s new iPhone teardown robot, Daisy, was recently revealed in their environmental responsibility report, and it will be put to work soon. Although at...

Unveiling The Bugs and Robot Snakes that will Get Your Engine...

Rolce Royce has come out with a number of robots that are inspired by nature for the purpose of vehicle maintenance. Dismantling a the engines...

Iron Man Robert Downey Jr. could voice Mark Zuckerberg’s Jarvis

Mark Zuckerberg isn’t among the individuals who would sit back and relax, so he decided to get the itch out by building an Iron Man-style...